Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Hadley's Birth Story

This is Hadley's birth story. She was born at 6:40 P.M. on Friday, October 10, 2014 (5 days before her due date!). At 11:00 A.M., my water broke at school, and Hadley was born less than 8 hours later. My labor and delivery were quick and painful. I hadn't planned to have a natural delivery, but Hadley was born before the epidural had a chance to take effect. Thankfully, however, there weren't any complications, and Hadley and I were both healthy.

Friday, October 10, 2014:

6:45 A.M.--I lost my mucus plug before I left for school. I started wondering if I was in the early stages of labor and if Hadley would be born within the next few days.

7:00-11:00 A.M.--As the morning went on, I realized that I was having minor contractions and that labor was beginning.

11:00 A.M.--My water broke. I felt a gush of water when I stood up to get a paper from the printer in my office. I talked to the nurse at the OB office, and she recommended that I go to the hospital. Over the next 1.5 hours, I felt five more gushes of water.

11:45 A.M.--I called Tal at work and said, "My water just broke." He said, "I'm on my way" and hung up. (Later, Tal said that he was shocked when I called and that he never expected me to call him that day and tell him that my water had broken.)

11:45-12:30--My principal arranged coverage for the library and my afternoon classes. I left school and went to pick up Savannah, who was tracked-out of school and on a tumbling field trip off-campus. I waited about 30 minutes for her to arrive.

12:30-1:00--Tal, Savannah, and I packed up some last-minute items at home, and then we drove to the hospital.

1:30 P.M.--Tal, Savannah, and I arrived at the hospital. The nurse confirmed that my water had broken. I was admitted to the hospital and taken to a labor and delivery room.

1:30-4:30 P.M.--I changed into a hospital gown. The nurse gave me an IV. I was 3 cm dilated. As the afternoon went on, my contractions were stronger...but bearable.

4:30 P.M.--Uncle Benny and Grandma Barbara arrived and hung out with us in the hospital room. My contractions were becoming more painful and frequent.

5:00 P.M.--I was in quite a bit of pain. I requested an epidural, but the nurse asked me to wait until 6:30 P.M. when she planned to refill my IV bag.

5:20 P.M.--Grandma Barbara, Uncle Benny, and Savannah left to pick up dinner.

5:45 P.M.--I was trying to wait until 6:30 P.M. to ask for an epidural, but my contractions became unbearable. I felt my belly contracting tightly and my body opening up. My moans and cries became louder (to the point that I felt like yelling). Tal texted Uncle Benny and Grandma Barbara and asked them to watch Savannah in the hospital lobby. We didn't want her to be traumatized by seeing Mommy in pain.

6:10 P.M.--I felt intense pressure like the baby was coming. I begged Tal to go and get the nurse. When the nurse checked me, I was 8 cm dilated. The nurse got the anesthesiologist and OB and prepared the hospital room for delivery.

6:20-6:30 P.M.--The anesthesiologist gave me an epidural. My contractions were so painful that it was difficult to remain calm and still while the anesthesiologist did his job.   

6:30-6:40 P.M.--The anesthesiologist said the epidural would take effect in 10 minutes. I kept asking Tal how many more minutes were left before I would get some pain relief. I felt Hadley coming, but I really didn't want to have a natural delivery. (I have a low pain tolerance.) However, Hadley had a mind of her own. ;) I pushed four times, and Hadley was born less than 10 minutes later at 6:40 P.M. (before the epidural kicked in).

Welcome to the world, Hadley Victoria! We love you and are so glad God gave you to us!

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