Saturday, August 8, 2015

Upstairs Gallery Wall

This week I created a gallery wall in our upstairs hallway between Hadley's bedroom and the guest bedroom. I'm thrilled that we finally have some family photos hanging upstairs in our house! (It only took us 4.5 years to make it happen!)

For the gallery wall, I purchased 12 white gallery frames from Ikea and Michael's. (The gallery wall has six 8x10 photos and six 5x7 photos.) I made templates out of craft paper, hung them with washi tape, and then rearranged them until I had a balanced display. (After taking the picture below, I made some changes to the layout because I had more horizontal than vertical pictures that I wanted to display.)

I wanted to ensure that each member was equally represented on the wall, so I selected one family picture, 6 sister pictures, and 4 individual pictures of Savannah and Hadley:

I used a level and Command velcro strips to hang the pictures and avoid damaging our wall with a dozen nail holes:

When I was ready to hang the pictures, I started with the middle bottom picture (of Savannah holding Hadley on the day she came home from the hospital). Next, I hung the other two pictures on the bottom row and then moved to the next row:

Now that we have some family photos in our upstairs hallway, 
I'm eager to add some colorful artwork!

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