Friday, November 24, 2017

Savannah's First Chapter Book

Tal and I are so proud of Savannah! Today she finished her first chapter book! Savannah, who is in 3rd grade, reads 20 minutes every day. In the past, she has always read short books or a couple chapters in a book before she moved onto another book. However, over the last couple weeks, Tal and I have been challenging Savannah to read an entire chapter book to help build her stamina in preparation for her end-of-grade reading test in June. It took Savannah about two weeks to read all 159 pages in her Geronimo Stilton book...but she reached her goal! Savannah has picked out another chapter book to read from start to finish. Tal and I hope that she develops a love for reading and a desire to read more than 20 minutes each day!

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