Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Everyday Moments

These random iPhone photos are dark, blurry, and untouched,
but they capture everyday moments from this week.

After school one day, the girls wanted to play at Chick-fil-a on our way home. We used our February calendar coupon and got free ice cream:

After months of waiting, Savannah was excited when her top tooth (on the left) poked through the gums:

Savannah got a glitter ring from the dentist:

On a cold evening, we turned on our fireplace, and the girls pulled up their chairs in front of the fire:

When Hadley was sick last weekend, all she wanted to do was sleep on me or Tal:

When Hadley had a stomach bug last weekend, she lost lost 3 lbs...nearly 10% of her body weight.  She dropped from 33 lbs. to 30 lbs. I asked Hadley to step on our bathroom scale after I noticed that her clothes seemed looser. 

This was Hadley's first meal after having a stomach bug for 24 hours:

Hadley wore two different kinds of slippers:

Last Sunday, the temps were in the 70's, so Savannah and her friends Liza and Sky played outside in our backyard clubhouse for four hours:

This week I started my 20th year of teaching! 
Only 11 years until retirement! 

On Monday, Savannah celebrated her 9th birthday!
She got a reading ruler and birthday sign from her teacher:

On Savannah's birthday, I ate lunch with Savannah and her friends Gabriela, Crista, and Chisom. Savannah loved passing out birthday cupcakes to her classmates:

This week Hadley carried her microphone and Pinky bear everywhere she went...even to the ice rink:

On Valentine's Day, Savannah was excited to exchange Valentines with her classmates. She wrote her friends' names on the stickers:

Savannah passed out candy bracelets to her friends:

Savannah loved getting a birthday card and some money from Grandma Judy in the mail:

Hadley's Painting

Hadley drew a picture of Mommy and Daddy:

Hadley made a Valentine for Mommy and Daddy:

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